Area Calculator for Land - Perimeter and Field


Area Calculator for Land - Perimeter and FieldArea Calculator for Land - Perimeter and FieldArea Calculator for Land - Perimeter and FieldArea Calculator for Land - Perimeter and FieldArea Calculator for Land - Perimeter and Field

Best device of calculator area, perimeter or area meter on map : easy to use and useful for estimate dimension of land on map includes :

- Use newest GPS and site service technical for good assessment end result

- Easy to search desired place

- Process of metrology to out put is land dimension of field, estimate distance of route

- Define outline of field on ground by click on map then calculate superficies, circumferential and distance around your region

- Measure perimeter instant, estimate perimeter to calculate outside of area, area and even country

- Details of periphery between factors which selected on screen

- Proximate distance and far distance, estimate distance with high computation accuracy

- Land metrology , measure field for farmer, calculate acreage on map

- Realtime monitoring and calculating when transfer in orbit around

- It is a floor meter software and meterage for map

- Compute on map with high accuracy fast and dependable

- Easy way to drag and drop location or level on ground by lengthy click on a marker.

- Able to resize space and customized area

- Save your area calculation in details and simple to examine each measure dimension

- Live monitoring your route whenever you go everyday

- The measure unit is versatile for alternative

- It is land survey for anyone

How to use :

- Click on a add point icon then click on a map to create level base on latitude and longitude

- Define the a quantity of marker points for calculation, the information of space embody marker, polyline, polygone and calculation end result appear instantly

- Select map sort icon to vary between kind : none, regular, hybrid, terrain and satellite tv for pc sort to look visually

- Click on a take away icon then click on a want marker to take away it out map.

- Touch on a transparent icon to clear all marker, polygone, polyline on map


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